Wednesday, October 26, 2005

It's hard to come to the realization that one truly does not know anything when it really comes down to it. To understand, that in comparsion to the whole existance of man I am merely a speck of dust, is not an easy thing to do. It seems as though my life is entirely inconsequential. I am not saying this with any ties to pessimism, nor optimism. I suppose I am merely speaking on the premise of realism. I have absolutely no control over the world around me, and there is nothing I can do to change what happens on a global level. The world is based on fallacy. That is what we as humans run on. When there is a problem, we do what we can to fix it. However, it seems that everytime we fix one problem we create six more. In a sense we are parasites that are unaware of the havoc we have wrought upon the world. We create the very problems that we try so whole-heartedly to destroy. Even if I were to spend my whole life doing everything I could to "save the world" it wouldn't make a difference 100 years from now. I could make a fraction of the lives that are lived in pain and misery slightly less terrible, but the rest would still go on as they always have. The world we have created is based on the existance of a lower class. If the world were a perfect place what in god's name could possibly happen? Nothing! Take a serious look on how you live your life, and how the world around you works. If you honestly believe that it would work with the total peace that we strive for, please explain to me how.


Rhiannon said...

I can't explain or know..but I do believe in the chaos there is still much to learn and that some of us are. I think of people in history who had the courage to be different and to speak up like Martin Luther King, Kennedy,poets, among many many others..and though they have changed history, history does seem to repeat itself sometimes in a I kind of see now..but the horrific things that happen in the world do seem to wake some of us up from our "slumber" and face our fears and we speak up, and question things, just as you are now. Its an endless cycle of life and something "More" is there..our true souls seem to come out in the worse of times..and some "souls" are evil souls..but without them contributing to the chaos,then nothing ever changes. Make any sense or no?


Anonymous said...

If we didn't strive for total peace, or didn't try to make a difference at all for that matter, what would be the point of living, and how would we be different from animals?

Hands of Loki said...

Well to answer that question I need to hear your definition of living. Please expand on that and I'll see what I have to say. I wasn't asking if you disagreed, I was merely asking that if anyone who happened to have a varied view on this, that they explained to me how it could possible work otherwise. What does seperate us from the animals? The concrete jungle? Corporation and poverty? We call ourselves civilized, when all we are is slightly more adapted and capable of destroying our environments. We are a parasitical species which does nothing to give back from the world that we so greedily take from. You say how are we any different, I saw how are we any better.

Anonymous said...

The world you have come to belive,does not exist in the way you have always seen it through your eyes.canin,nero,judas,Lucafer.He is real.God,is real.once you come to the realization and understanding of what I am trying to show you,you will know,unless you cover your eyes to the ancient truth.So pick A side and i'll see you in the end

Hands of Loki said...

You'll be looking down on me from your high kingdom of constant servitude... I'd rather burn in hell than serve in heaven. I've chosen my side.