Thursday, October 27, 2005

I've seen a thousand faces
Faked a thousand smiles
I've been around the world and back
Yet your face still haunts my dreams
The winds have whispered in my ear
They have told me a tale of sorrow
I've let the ground guide my feet
To take me places where angels would not dare
I now stand here alone
Among a crowd so full
My name has been forgotten
By those who said they knew
The tears I cried have been ignored
By those who said they care
My world has been turned upside down
The lies are blown askew
(Written roughly 2 years ago, slightly updated but not too much)


Rhiannon said...

This gave me an errie feeling...I felt like I was reading about life, my hurt, the alientation, the lies. Isn't it strange how there are others that have very smiliar feelings out in this crazy messed up world of ours? Just goes to show that we are "out there"..I just haven't met any around me that are out there "yet"..or "show themselves"..but I've "Felt them".

I like this post and the one below very very well written!



Anonymous said...

want to leave a comment but dont know what to say
rhiannon said pretty much what i felt.. its as i fur tlakgin about my past my life.. well i l ik eit alot..