Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A Picture

I found a picture of you the other day. Folded away amongst forgotten memories, I looked down at you and to my surprise you were smiling. Your gaze didn't look to the camera, you didn't care that it was there. You were looking away and to the side, and you were smiling. You laughed that day. I looked at this picture and I wondered what it was. Now it seems so foreign. I remember when it was taken; I remember why you were smiling. I know that look you had in your eyes. It was for me. We were together and you were smiling. In that moment we were happy. A truly, undeniable, bottomless sense of irreplaceable joy surrounds this single memory. I would give up anything and everything for that moment one more time. The look in your eyes, the laugh on your lips, the love in your voice... I lost sight of that. I lost sight of just how amazing you are. In a moment I was torn from nothing to everything. I was and am filled with every possible emotion that my body and mind can handle. My heart beats to the point of bursting as I hold this forgotten image in my hand. The time is past, and that memory is simply that, a memory. I will always love you.


Anonymous said...

Impressive. You have an excellent style of thought provoking writing.
Perhaps I am reading the early works of a future famous author? If this is practice for then, do please keep writing. I will be there reading.
...I especially liked your use of Inefficacious. I don't know what efect you desired, but it was for interesting reading, you have succeeded.

Lucy Stern said...

Looking at old pictures do bring back memories.. Remember the old saying...A picture is a thousand words..That is so true. I love looking at pictures of my dad. He died five years ago and I miss him terriblly. Looking at him in pictures bring back happy memories. Store that picture in your heart now and it will be with you forever.