Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Moving backwards through space and time we can find ourselves making the same mistakes again and again. People don't change, only the circumstances in which ones personality can be expressed are altered. While we can learn to tone down, or over-emphasize certain aspects of our personality, that piece of who we are will always remain a part of us. We as humans represent a large, constantly moving and changing puzzle. The pieces always represent the same parts of who we are; only sometimes these pieces don't fit. So we change their size, we alter the shape around the edges so that they can fit in with the other pieces. Eventually the puzzle breaks and we are left scrambling to pick up the pieces. There are constant new pieces coming, and old pieces leaving. This causes an ever existing cyclical rotation of our pieces. It's true what people say, about how you can never change a person. You can't. One of two things can happen. Either you learn to live with what you consider to be a fallibility that they have or if the person cares about you they can trim the edges of their puzzle piece, change its size. The hardest part for me so far has been the realization that sometimes the pieces will never fit.


Anonymous said...

very interesting.. i like it

Rhiannon said...

For one so young you have much wisdom to share, and I hope more "hear you" and "read you"..yes "we are out there".

You must be an "ancient soul" for sure.

Angel Blessings,